Tuesday, February 3, 2009

T8, or How Many Old Armor Sets Can You Find!

I really, really, REALLY hope Hunter T8 has not been finalized. More horns?! A gas-mask?! What are we, Plague-stalker?! I mean, how do you stalk a plague?

I'm going to try and forget I ever saw this...

(At least we are not mages, but it's approximately as painful.)


Rilgon Arcsinh said...

I like it, personally, but *shrug*

... said...

"Mages T8 looks like Dalaran shit all over them & called it an outfit.." --me several days ago

as for Hunter T8... apend or bend the horns back & it'ld be sweet.. as is it's ok looking... could be worse.. could be Rogue's T8......

Anonymous said...

I don't see what's wrong wiht the mages T8. I think it looks really cool.

Our T8 is fine... with the exception of the Helm. I will probably turn helms off or just use my goggles, if possible.

Negathle said...

The helm is what really gets to me. The combination outlandish horns and gas mask is just too much. Otherwise, the spikes are alright.

Tier always takes a bit to grow on me. I remember calling T6 Groan-stalker for awhile