Saturday, October 4, 2008

Rilgon, I need you! post in this thread.

Not one mention of Chimera Shot sharing the same CD as Multishot or Aimed. Only one poster admitted to playing pure MM, as opposed to most looking at the tree from a BM/MM or SV/MM view. In fact, judging how they describe Multi's "lack of raid utility" they haven't played MM at all...


Rilgon Arcsinh said...


Chimera and Multi don't share a cooldown, though. :D

Negathle said...

Umm.. yes they do. 10 seconds for both of them....

Rilgon Arcsinh said...

Both abilities having a 10-second cooldown != both abilities share a cooldown.

You can very easily do Steady, Arcane, Steady, Multi, Steady, Chimera on Beta. I kept trying to record a video but they kept turning out like crap.