After 15 hours driving and freaking out considerably about the trip through West Virginian mountains (beautiful, but I'll think I'd rather fly), we have arrived in Fredericksburg, Virginia. I stared at the Boy as he dutifully set up the Internet (oh, sweet, blessed Internet!), just waiting for the joyous time when I would have the world at my fingertips again. You never really realize how much you think to yourself "Oh, I'll just look that up" when you can't just look it up...
Now I am on Eastern Standard Time, an hour from where I was in St. Louis/Chicago/Wichita, and now a full three hours difference from my server time. This is a predicament. While the raiding times were acceptable for my college student life and my natural night-owl inclinations, now they are threatening the tipping point. I will now be raiding from 11 PM to 2 AM, and that threatens potential morning obligations...
I asked the other EST officer how he manages it, and his reply was that his working hours were a bit flexible. He is also a bit of a night-owl, and he suggested either taking a second shift working period, or just explaining to potential employers that I am simply useless as a morning person (which is not a lie).
I really don't want to transfer servers. I love my guild and my friends on Kilrogg, and I don't think I have the energy to start over, especially when I am doing it by myself now. I would rather let Neg die there than start again, but I don't particularly feel like quitting WoW.
We'll see how it goes.
Zoosk Login Overview
3 days ago
I hope you are able to work something out =) I know how sucky it is when time/schedule issues interfere with WoW. (We all like to pretend it's not a big deal, but oh, it is...)
As a fellow East Coaster, and someone who gets up at 5 AM for work, I feel your pain. I try to get to bed by 10:30, (9:30 server) and that means I'm shut out of lots of raids, which are just starting up, or will go well past midnight.
I have a friend who raids with a West Coast guild on Hyjal, and he often goes until 2-3 AM.
I'm in the ET, playing on a PT server. I raid from 6-9:30 server aka 9-12:30 ET. Not bad at all. There are other guilds that raid from midnight to 3am ET. But that's not my thing. ;-)
My wife and I just transferred from an Oceanic server to a US server. We used to raid Friday and Saturday nights. Although we miss our friends, the switch has been great for us. Take your time in looking for a guild to transfer to. We used,, and the official forums. Somewhere between those three sites, there's a guild that raids when you want to and has the atmosphere you're looking for.
Don't make too many real life sacrifices for WoW. Balance makes for happy raiding and real life.
Sorry, must be frustrating. =( I hope you can figure something out.
@ lyraat
Though it is tempting to be just another raiding grunt again, I'd be giving up my officer position, raid role, leadership responsibilities, and all the other position-of-power comforts that have spoiled me. Not to mention I would feel so guilty to leave my guild after everything they have done for me, and vice versa. Don't think that the idea of transferring has not crossed my mind, but I just don't think I can do it again.
Has Fredricksberg fully recovered from the Posleen yet?
Heh, that's a reference I don't get -_-
Give it a shot and see how it goes. Like you said, you don't want to give up all the stuff with your current guild. I live in the Eastern Time Zone and play on an EST server (Duskwood), but the majority of my guild mates are on the West Coast. So it's usually around 10-11pm EST before we get started. I'm a night owl (and early bird... go figure... I'm probably shortening my life) so 2am is fine with me, even 3 on rare occasions. I'm up that late on Thursdays anyway as that's basketball night, which can go till 1am. But by the time I get home and showered I really don't feel like going to bed. I have to work at 7:30 in the morning, not too early but still early for some and I do fine. Sunday is the "day of rest" right? That's when I can catch up. :)
John Ringo - A Hymn Before Battle, Gust Front, When the Devil Dances, Hell's Faire
Old, but Good.
Just noticed that wikipedia has links to free online editions of those books and more.
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