Sunday, July 26, 2009

I just had to open my mouth...

I'm not in the guild for a week and already some guild maintenance has been offered to me. I casually mentioned that I have a bit of experience with web design, really nothing more than tweaking templates and basic code writing, and the next thing I know the guild master wants me to give a make-over to the guild website.

I left my old guild with the hope of not being responsible for guild functions, only to have that hope shattered. Oy. At least it's relatively minor compared to my old responsibilities.

I could say no, of course, but I'd be silly to do so. Obviously, they like me well enough to offer me the opportunity and think I am good enough to be a consistent guild participant, so I see this as a decent move of appreciation.

Now to figure out what I'm doing :)


Kheldul said...

Hey Neg. I'm working on some notes for a possible armor pen post. Would it be okay if I used you as an example? I'm curious; a) what your armor pen rating is in raid gear, b) which armor pen proc'ng trinket you use, and c) if you do any consumables for armor pen.

Negathle said...

It's fine if you do, but I'm not fully Armor Pen spec yet. I don't have the correct gear, gems, or spec for it right now - waiting to go it fully when I can get the gear.

Right now it's 205, I plan on using the Runestone from Thorim 10 Hard, and I was planning on using the ArPen food.

Nassira said...

We have had a good experience with GuildLaunch, and that would keep things nice and structured if you don't wanna mess with complicated forum coding. And if you want any help making some graphics, I'd be happy to help you out with whatever you need. <3 Have fun with it!

Negathle said...

Thanks Nass, I might take you up on that ;)

I asked my old guild for their front page template, so we'll see what I can do with that. I wish I had some form of digital drawing pad/program that I could do something cool with the guild name with...