Sunday, November 22, 2009



Originally, this was going to be a post about raid roles and not bitching to your peers that you are always assigned to raid-support role, but other things happened.

The guild finally imploded, and I'm homeless.


I'm slightly uncertain what to do. Part of me just want to embrace this and go casual, but the other part of me wants to continue on and find a new raiding guild. I really did want to go with this expansion to the end, finish Arthas and put a cap on all the lore, but so much happened this expansion that I sincerely do not like, and there's a part of me that would be okay with walking away from it now.

It is a very strange feeling having the floor fall out from under your feet. All my in guild goals and what not are now void - I had this mock ambition to be the top achievement whore in the guild, in competition with another - so now I need to reorient myself. I can't say I'm not just a bit disappointed. It was such a difficult decision to join this guild, and while it wasn't a complete let down, it was simply completely unlike anything I had experienced before, and I know I changed considerably because of it. I wonder how things would have turned out if I had gone a different route. I wonder where I would be now if I had.

I genuinely feel indebted to the members of the guild that worked hard to get us where we were and had the tenacity to push on, and I feel sorry that they had to be let down in such a manner when they are capable of bigger and better things. Good luck to you guys, in all your adventures. May the winds guide you, and what not...

And now I'm here. I don't particularly want to server jump. A hundred smakeroos is kinda tough to justify right now, what with the holiday and all. There is no way I would ever go Alliance. I'd like to be in guild with the friends I made while on Turalyon, even just for the social aspect of it. Maybe I'll join a PvP guild, or something...

My current subsciption expires on the 3rd, so I changed it to a monthly, just until I know what I'm going to do. No worries, the Butterfly will continue be here until I leave for good.


Ashvoyager said...

i'm canceling my subscription! i'm free, i'm free! it feels so amazing to be free once again.

Fig said...

I'm sorry to hear that Escalation broke up. A good bunch of raiders, every one of them. It was nice having a guild with the same playstyle as us to sort of 'compete' with, in the loosest sense of the word.

Still, if you decide to app to Rakicide, I'll put in a good word for ya.

Good luck in whatever you decide to do Neg.

Kheldul said...

Sorry to hear. It's certainly tough when things happen to a guild. Just remember that while it may feel like you were powerless and forced into a decision now, you really are empowered. You can coast if you want. You can research and interview guilds.

Lynda said...

I really am sorry to hear that Neg. I'm also sorry that the game has lost it's charm for you. I hope you can still find something in game that makes you happy to log in again. Whether it's a new guild or old friends.

To be honest, I'm certainly not thrilled to log in some nights to boredom and repetitive tasks, but it's not always like that. And I do still love World of Warcraft. I've met so many great people through guilds, pugs and blogs (/salute). I like logging in and seeing who's on. Sometimes I stay. Sometimes not. But I always know I'll be back, at some time, soon.

Anonymous said...

well that sucks :(

take some time - figure out where the hooves will lead. Endings are beginnings and beginnings are always exciting/scary/painful/neat/nauseating...

Try to enjoy it ;)