Sunday, January 18, 2009

Curses! Success!

I wanted to show off a screenshot of getting five achievements at once, but the tank that I asked to go through The Old Kingdom killed the bosses in backwards order, so I ended up getting Champion of the Frozen Wastes off of Herald Volazj, the regular Ahn'kahet and Dungeon Master off of Jedoga Shadowseeker, and Heroic: Ahn'kahet and Dungeon Hero off of Amanitar.

I can't complain though. I spent the day in extreme frustration at five Arathi Basin losses in a row. I PvP for pleasure, frivolous items, and the rare raid-utility item, but even I know basic strategy to win these things. I need 60 marks from AB, WSG, and AV in order to get the two war mounts I'm missing, so the more I win, the less I have to PvP. Too bad I can't do Strand of the Ancients - I've discovered the pleasure of jumping on a siege vehicle and just mowing down the Allies that come chasing after.

If I didn't do something productive in WoW today, I was going to scream. So I pledged eternal servitude to one of our best healers if she would come to H: OK, then grabbed another friend who had a well geared DK to tank, and a couple of guildees for the last two DPS. I was grateful enough that we cleared the instance without a hitch, but we also snagged Respect Your Elders and Volunteer Work. And as fun as killing off my party-mates under Insanity is, I'm eager to try Volazj's Quick Demise.


Nassira said...

NICE! Grats! =D

Have you started up a group for 5-man achievements yet? Some of those are pretty tough...we ran through a few today, and there were two we were absolutely not hitting any time soon. In fact, I hear one of them is getting time added to it. They're a bitch.

Nassira said...

Oh, way to read, Nass...


Excuse me while I hide my face in the corner.

Negathle said...


Not as many as I would like. We had initially planned a group for just the 5-man achievements, but due to leveling time and what not, it fell through. Working on it though!

Nassira said...

The Quick Demise one is nearly impossible for the group makeup we have. It was ROUGH! Good luck, and let me know if you have any secrets on it...I still can't kill our Holy Pally.

Rilgon Arcsinh said...

I still can't kill our Holy Pally.

Silencing Shot -> SSting -> Chim Shot.

Oh wait, no one ever fucking uses Silencing Shot since it's "not a PVE talent", my bad.


Nassira said...

I had Silencing Shot when I faced him, babes. I used it twice, using readiness, and also used my BE silence. Still couldn't beat him. Probably had something to do with the three other attackers on me at the same time...but yeah...I had silencing shot. No reason to be so bitter...

Negathle said...

There are a lot of elitists that call out Silent Shot as not being a PvE talent, which is bullshit, sorry. I use it frequently as an interrupt on casting bosses, and as an instant shot for the Safety Dance.

For our healers I use Aimed Shot and Silent Shot to combat their healing. All the others I Deterrence -> Volley down, but that's going to be nerfed both ways soon, so going to have to figure out new tactics for that.